Stocks sold off Thursday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbling nearly 500 points, as investors’ fears over a recession surfaced. The Dow dropped 494 points, or 1.2%. The S&P 500 shed 1.4%, while the Nasdaq Composite slipped 2.3%. The Russell 2000 index, the small-cap benchmark that has rallied lately, dropped 3%. Some fresh data raised the…
If the Federal Reserve is starting to set the table for interest rate reductions, some parts of the market…
Global semiconductor stocks fell Friday after a lackluster set of results from U.S. chip firm Intel sent its shares…
LOS ANGELES — A federal judge has overturned a jury’s $4.7 billion verdict in the class-action lawsuit filed by…
U.S. orange production has plummeted as the industry faces volatile threats from extreme weather events, an incurable disease and…
Federal Reserve officials said Wednesday that while there are signs the economy is slowing, the Fed was not yet…
CarShield, a company that sells vehicle service contracts to automobile owners that it claims will cover the cost of…
Venu Sports, the sports streaming joint venture between Disney’s ESPN, Warner Bros. Discovery and Fox Corp., will cost $42.99 a month. The upcoming streaming…
Yum Brands hopes to use artificial intelligence to take down drive-thru orders at hundreds of Taco Bell restaurants by the…