Market participants braced for volatility on Monday (July 15), gravitating toward safe-haven assets following an assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump over the weekend. Gold closed at US$2,411.23 per ounce on Friday (July 12) and rose as high as US$2,433.32 on Monday (July 15). The price of Bitcoin…
Byron King of Paradigm Press shared insights from a recent Yukon property tour, including what’s known so far about…
John Feneck, portfolio manager and consultant at Feneck Consulting, shared his latest thoughts on the gold price, saying that…
The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index (INDEXTSI:JX) gained 7.94 points last week to close at 593.70. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome…
June’s softer-than-expected US inflation data has bolstered the case for interest rate cuts as early as September, providing welcome…
Diversification can be key to a profitable mining and exploration strategy. While there’s no shortage of companies that have…
Investor Insights The continued positive outlook for gold and copper is creating a strong macro economic environment for Tempest…
A copper crunch is coming as demand builds and the hunt for viable deposits comes up short. That’s according…
Augustus Minerals (ASX: AUG; “Augustus” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the results of rock chips collected recently…