Indian equity markets witnessed a steep sell-off on Friday, with the benchmark indices Sensex and Nifty shedding over 1%. The Sensex dropped 1,147 points, or 1.41%, to 80,142, while the Nifty50 lost 337 points, or 1.37%, touching 24,211, as of 10:35 am, India time. Investors were spooked by weak global…
The European Central Bank (ECB) has cut its deposit rate for the fourth time this year, reducing it to…
The German economy, long considered a powerhouse of global trade, experienced an unexpected setback in October, with exports declining…
The UK economy has unexpectedly contracted for the second consecutive month in October, a concerning development that highlights the…
Copper has resumed its upside momentum on expectations of a pickup in demand from the largest consumer, China. Copper…
The Bank of Canada (BoC) is preparing to make a substantial statement regarding decreasing its key policy interest rate,…
Europe’s largest package tour operator, TUI, revealed that cash-strapped consumers are opting for more affordable holiday destinations such as…
The European automobile industry finds itself at a critical juncture as it transitions toward electrification. Mounting competition from Chinese…
The stock market’s recent retreat has left traders on edge, even as the S&P 500 remains close to its…