Indian benchmark equity indices opened in the green on Monday on positive cues from the Asian markets. At the opening bell on Monday, the BSE Sensex was by 412 points, while the Nifty50 rose 110 points. However, both benchmarks have since then pared the gains. At the time of writing,…
BP has scrapped its commitment to cut oil and gas production as CEO Murray Auchincloss shifts the focus back…
In a bid to reshape Pfizer’s future, activist investor Starboard Value has acquired a stake worth approximately $1 billion,…
Samsung Electronics is poised to announce a more than fourfold increase in quarterly profits on Tuesday, largely fueled by…
Carnival’s stock price has stalled in the past few months. It has remained between a low of $10.97 and… has been a beneficiary of China’s recent blockbuster rally that saw the markets experience the biggest single-week gain…
Income-focused investors have a wide variety of assets to invest in today. Treasury bonds are still offering a 4%…